There’s some real gold in Cheat. Like, nuggets. Ever since we got tagged by mustache it’s been just wild.
Ever wonder how to make hot chocolate? We’ve got a tasty recipe.
Need some night time reading to go along with your cocoa? May I suggest Into the Code?
The DataMapper sheet is superb in its brevity: has_many :class => “ClassName”
(By the way, this post has been highly optimized with the SEO sheet.)
The Foo sheet is the foo sheet is the foo sheet.
Hot chocolate not hitting the spot? How about some Gazpacho soup?
If you’re a designer, you’ll love this: lipsum. All of it.
Ever wanted to talk like you’re in the military, or own a walkie talkie? Now you can with this handy military alphabet.
Oh, an entire Cheat Emacs mode. Remember: Never quit Emacs.
I’m sure you’ve been wondering, so here it is: every TLD ever.
In the spirit of three letter acronyms, there’s also the GTD sheet.
One of my favorites, the Runescape sheet:
Hot keys 1 selling 2 buing 3 buy 4 noob
For the serious kids in the room, there’s the Unix permissions and Unix redirection sheets. Oh, and the notify trick then the complete Firebug sheet.
Finally, the nonsense sheet imparts on us some non-nonsense wisdom: “and that’s why cheat also is an anagram for teach!”
I just updated the datamapper cheat….it’s not so brief anymore ;-)
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